Today, some Kickstarter backARs have started receiving their CoastARs! A few of you have even submitted photos of your CoastARs in action! Thank you, this is so exciting!
If you have received your CoastARs and have been having fun taking screenshots or screen recordings of them in use, please tag #coastars (and @CoastARs on Instagram)! These may get re-posted to the official CoastARs social media channels! Let’s share your CoastARs moments with the world!
As of now, CoastARs are not for sale– but probably will be within a couple of weeks. Subscribe to the newsletter for updates not just for when they’re in stock, but also for seasonal Worlds updates!
Make sure to check in on your Forest Friends day and night to see what they’re up to, and keep checking back for updates to the Worlds– a LOT is in store! And don’t forget– owning one pack of CoastARs unlocks all the Worlds for you!
Thanks for all your support, and I hope you enjoy CoastARs!